- Trusts and Estates Glossary
Unlike most glossaries, ours includes not only definitions, but also Commentary and numerous Examples. Our purpose in providing our Glossary is to “de-mystify” some of the more commonly-used, but often misunderstood, terms and phrases relating to Trusts and Estates.
- Estate Planning Checkup
Take this simple test to see if your estate plan measures up.
- The Most Mystifying Phrase: Descendants, Per Stirpes
Just exactly who will receive your property and assets if you designate your surviving descendants, per stirpes, as your beneficiaries?
- Our Flow Charts
In an effort to assist our Clients in understanding documents and processes, we make extensive use of Flow Charts. Here are a couple of examples.
- Immediate Access to Medical Directives & Emergency Medical Info—Anywhere, Anytime, 24/7/365
We believe strongly in “taking the extra step” to insure that your Medical Directives and Emergency Medical Info are instantly available if and when they are ever needed.
- Wealth Transfer Planning Strategies
Comparison of the 8 basic Wealth Transfer Planning Strategies that are available to all of us.
- Will Provided by the State of Illinois
Many people have never seen the free, Last Will and Testament provided by the State of Illinois. Here is a sample you can review.
- Articles, Vignettes & Potpourri
You may find articles about almost anything here, and many of them will have absolutely nothing to do with Trusts or Estates.
- Our Trusts & Estates Brochures
We make our Trusts & Estates Brochures available to the professional advisors with whom we work, and also to those of our Clients who wish to have a more thorough understanding of various Trusts and Estate topics.