Becoming a Client
Estate Planning
Despite what you may have heard, Estate Planning isn’t about documents, it’s about people. Each client, and his or her beneficiaries, have unique and special goals and circumstances. Your Estate Plan should address these goals and circumstances.…
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Attorney’s Fees for Estate Planning
How much does it cost? That depends upon what “it” actually is. There are as many different kinds of estate plans as there are clients who have specific goals in mind for their respective beneficiaries. As indicated in “Becoming An Estate Plann…
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Our Estate Planning Questionnaires
If you have any questions about our Estate Planning Process, please call us. We have two different types of Estate Planning Questionnaires (“EPQs”): Fillable EPQs; and Traditional EPQs Both types of EPQ ask you to supply identical information. Ho…
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Trust Administration
A relative or friend becomes incapacitated, or dies, and you are named in his or her Living Trust to act as successor Trustee. In our view, being named to act as a successor Trustee at such a troubling time is both an HONOR and a JOB. It is a matter…
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Attorney’s Fees for Trust Administration
If you accept your nomination to act as successor Trustee under a Living Trust established by a Trustmaker who has become incapacitated, then we will charge our attorney’s fees on an hourly basis, as that is, in our opinion, the only effective meth…
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If the relative or friend is incapacitated:
If the relative or friend is incapacitated, matters a successor Trustee may need to attend to include: Reviewing the applicable Trust Agreement, and all amendments, to see if the test for determining whether the relative or friend is incapacitated ha…
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If the relative or friend has died:
If the relative or friend has died, matters a successor Trustee may need to attend to include: Reviewing the applicable Trust Agreement, and all amendments, to determine what your responsibilities are, and what discretion you may have, as successor T…
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Probate Administration
A relative or friend passes away, and you are named in his or her Will to act as Executor. In our view, being named to act as Executor at such a troubling time is an HONOR, a JOB, and a matter to be taken seriously. The first thing to realize is that…
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Attorney’s Fees for Probate Administration
If you accept your nomination to act as Executor or Administrator of a deceased person’s probate Estate, then we will normally recommend charging attorney’s fees using our Unit Billing System, which is described below. Background Historically, th…
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Important Matters For Executors
Here is a list of just some of the important matters that an Executor may need to attend to:
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